The picture is interesting because it's in black and white but then again it has many details. The advertisement is for Ford car company. The advertisement looks as if it was for back in the for the reason that it is in black and white. Plus the car is an old car they use to drive many years ago and the people dress with a different style. This was probably when Ford first started and the company was trying to get people to buy their cars. The young man looks confident and happy while he is showing the young lady an image in the newspaper. Im guessing he's telling her something about the car. She seems to be paying attention and interested to what he is saying as he is trying to persuade her. The text also says alot about the image. For The Young Business Man is in kind of big letters and noticeable so people can see its a key part of the picture. There's also an explanation after the noticeable words to explain why people should buy there car and what the car can do. The price is on the ad as well to let individuals know how much the car would be. This image is persuasive because it is gets the message across and point of the ad. The advertisement is trying to get more people to buy the company's car.
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