Saturday, October 4, 2008

When we were at the museum on Wednesday the picture that I decided to practice writing about was called the "Freshening Gale". It was a huge ship with big white sails and was crossing over very rocky waters. I love this picture because it reminds me of my favorite movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". The colors in the ocean were dark blues and greens and the sky was a light baby blue but was covered with clouds. The ship to me looked a little like the Black Pearl because it had this thing on the fron of the ship that looked like the mouth that is on the front of the Black Pearl. The scene that the picture reminded me of is the one where Jack is sailing through the storm and tells Mr. Gibbs that he is catching up to Barbosa and his crew. In the movie, the storm is worse than the one depicted in the painting but that is still the image that I can relate it to. The ship is a more modern than the Black pearl and instead of black sails, it has white. I would its a more peaceful Black Pearl. Both ships represent power to me because they look so strong and they seem to take over the ocean when it is trying to take it down in its white tip waves crashing against it. I do not get to go out of the ocean very much but I love to sit on the beach and just listen to the waves crashing agains the shore line and when I see this picture I can hear the sound of the waves which is probably my favorite sound ever. I love this picture because it makes me think of the beach and of my favorite movie.

Maggie Frederick

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