Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mash Ups

I found a mash up that was of High School Musical and Saw. I have not seen any of the High School Musical movies but I have seen all the Saw movies. The match up of these to movies was really weird for me to watch, one of the movies was directed towards children and the other movie was and extremely nasty horror movie. The mash up was focused on the High School Musical cast and then they voiced over the kids talking and inserted these awkward kid voices talking about killing people after school and in college, and they inserted lots of clips from the Saw movies from the horrific torture scenes. The mash up was not as good as the Shining and Mary Poppins that we watched in class, but it was enjoyable to watch. I really liked looking for an interesting mash up. If i would not have had a huge paper due on Monday I would have spent more time searching for a better mash up. It always surprises me, with the stuff that people come up with I would never in a million years would think to take two completely different movies and make a clip of them together, even if I had the idea to do that I would never know how to do that. It is so interesting and amazing what people are able to come up with, sometimes I wish I had a more creative mind!! 
Ashley Hummel

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