This sign lets people know what kind and which building it is they are looking at and it is the building.
This sign lets the people know that in this building do not eat in this room and that the safety or handicap ramp is this way.
This sign lets people know to throw away only their cans and bottles here only. So that they can be
This sign lets people know where the chemistry lab is located.
If you need to call someone look for this sign because this sign lets people know where to locate or use a telephone.
This sign lets people know that they can take a paper for free.
This sign lets people know where the handicap can go and get into the building.
This sign lets people know what time the MTD buses are departing or arriving.
This sign lets people know if they can park here or not.
This sign lets people know that there are dangerous chemical or construction going on up ahead or in that area.
This sign lets people know if they can park there motorcycles here or not.
This sign lets people know if they need something to dry that here it is and that they can use it.
This sign lets people know the exit roots when there is a fire, tornado, or etc…..
This sign lets people know to stop and don't drive by.
This sign lets people know don't use this unless it is an emergency or fire.
This sign lets people know what hockey team it is, when they are playing, what sport it is, and when they are not playing.
This sign lets people know not to remove chairs from the lounge.
This sign lets people know when the showers will be cleaned and what time they will be cleaned.
This sign lets people know that this is a women’s bathroom and not men’s.
This sign lets people know the stadium "Chief" wants to come back.