Coke isadvertised everywhere, on commercials. Its always catchy. This was a commercial and this little polar bear got lost and couldn't find itsmom; thenhe found her and the two of them popped open a bottle of coke and celebrated. It tries to show that coke can make you feel better. One sip is just refreshing!
This advertisement is very colorful. It looks like something that makesyou want to open up a bottle to give you a spark of energy! If very cool looking. It catches your attention and makes you want to open a bottle and have fun.
Coke is very appealing. It makes everyone want to have a bottle of coke. Even Santa wants somecoke. This catches the attention of little kids in this advertisement. If Santa has a bottle of coke that'swhat the kids want as well. This message miss leads you to think that someone that you look up to when you were a little kid likes coke thenyou want to have some!!
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