This beautiful young lady is Chang Er, she’s working for Jade Emperor, where immoral and good people lived. One day she broke a precious jar and Jade Emperor banished her to the earth. Jade Emperor transformed Chang Er to a poor farming family. In the village, Chang Er meets her first love named Hou Yi. He’s a great hunter and an expert archer. One day, a strange miracle occurred, 10 suns arose in the sky and it’s blazing the earth. Hou Yi is the one who step up to save the earth by shooting down nine suns; he became a hero immediately. He eventually became king and married Change Er. Hou Yi became a despot; he created some kind of medicine that he can live forever. Chang Er, accidently or purposely swallow the pill. Hou Yi became so angry and goes after her, she jump out of the window. She flows to the moon instead of falling.
This is the story behind the moon festival. The Chinese Moon Festival is on the 15th of 8th at lunar month (which is today). Moon Festival is an important traditional event for the Chinese. It’s just like Thanksgiving and Christmas to the west. It’s the time for the family’s reunion and people can see Chang Er dancing in the moon during Moon Festival. Families get together to eat moon cake and watch the moon. People can’t help thinking it is a perfect world; that’s why the Chinese loves the Moon Festival so much.

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