Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Museum Trip

The piece of artwork that really caught my eye while I was at the Art Museum was Lady in the Park by Childe Hassam (1859-1935).  I really liked this painting because it was relaxing and had an arrangement of beautiful pastel colors. The Setting of the painting was in a park, but the picture was focused on the ivory brick-walking path that went through the park. On either side of the path were perfectly matching trees that were leafless.  This painting was set in the fall on what looks like a beautiful afternoon. The people in the painting were wearing what looked like their Sunday best. All the people in the painting looked clam and relaxed.

This painting really reminded me of the quad and how it is such a beautiful “park.” I can just imaging the quad once the leaves start to fall will resemble the painting of the Lady in the Park. I can see student laying, sitting, and enjoying the beautiful fall weather and the beautiful landscape of the quad. The only difference in the painting and the quad really is the clothing.  On the quad students were much more modern clothing were as in the painting the people were wearing huge European dresses and wardrobe from the nineteen hundreds.

This painting made me want to skip class and just go and lay in the sun and enjoy the fresh, crisp fall air.

Ashley Hummel

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